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Managing With Style
Understanding and improving people management skills
Using this video, you can encourage managers, supervisors and team leaders to think about the way they manage their people. By making them aware of the effect of their leadership style, you'll be helping them to motivate and develop their team. Some examples in the video show the benefits of consult... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Supervision: Getting the Balance Right
Management skills for supervisors and team leaders
For any boss, there's a balance to be struck between being heavy-handed and being seen as a soft touch. It's important for you to show first line managers that you understand this and can help them to get it right. This video provides the kind of illustrations your people will relate to. It will hel... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Team Challenges
How to stretch teams - what every trainer should know
Could your teams cut a hole in postcard big enough to step through? Do they have the planning and time management skills to build a bridge for the millenium? Some of these challenges are deceptively simple and straightforward, others more complex. But every one is easy to deliver and can be trusted ... read more
Team Leaders Development Manual, The
18 activities to boost the skills of team leaders
Show that your organisation recognises the important role played by your supervisors and team leaders. Help them to become effective leaders and communicators and equip them with the supervisory skills they need to manage their teams. Motivate your supervisors to want to achieve their full potential... read more